When using Poll Everywhere in your teaching, we ask that all of your students have Poll Everywhere accounts associated with their BC email addresses and be logged in whenever responding to activities. This allows you to see student names next to their responses so that you can track their participation and, if you want, grade them. Making sure students are logged in also provides us with the user count we need to manage Boston College’s contract with Poll Everywhere.
Anonymous activities: If you do not want to know who is responding to your activities, you can make individual activities anonymous by following the instructions for completely anonymous activities.
Students will need to create their Poll Everywhere accounts by following the instructions in the Poll Everywhere Guide for Students, which also includes instructions for responding to activities. Once they have created an account, they will need to bring an internet-ready device to class in order to respond to activities.
When you share your screen in class and activate an activity, students will be able to see the URL they need to access in order to respond. Once they have that URL open, their screen will automatically update any time you activate a new activity.
The first time students respond to your Poll Everywhere activity, they may be prompted to register their account with you, which should only take a minute. (Instructions for this are in the student guide.) If you want students to register their account with you beforehand, you can send your username to them, whichis at the top of your profile page, after “www.pollev.com/.”
Depending on how you want to use student responses, see information on viewing & grading student responses and/or exporting Poll Everywhere grades to Canvas.
Template Message for Students
Feel free to adapt the message below to send to your students:
Dear class,
This semester, I will periodically ask you to submit your answers to questions using a tool called Poll Everywhere. You will need to bring an internet-ready device to class in order to submit your answers. Before our next class, take a look at the Poll Everywhere Guide for Students and make sure you are successfully able to log into Poll Everywhere. During class, you will be able to respond to polls through the Poll Everywhere app or by navigating to a url that will be projected in the classroom. You can email centerforteaching@bc.edu if you run into any issues logging in.