While faculty may not always completely agree with university policies and may not always be able to anticipate the constantly-shifting methods students can employ to cheat, faculty do generally have significant control over the design and implementation of their courses. Of course, the amount of control faculty have over course design decisions depends largely on their institutional context. Adjunct faculty or those teaching in schools with standardized course materials may have limited influence over the structure of their courses. While some specific recommendations – regarding assignment design, for instance – may not be feasible for those instructors, many of these interventions involve shifts to facilitation and communication that any instructor could make. By focusing on course and assignment design decisions, faculty can take steps to bolster academic integrity on their own schedule and scale.
This section highlights some factors instructors might keep in mind when designing a course to minimize opportunities and incentives to cheat. Indeed, much of the research indicates that such design considerations not only reduce instances of academic dishonesty, but also promote deeper learning, and initiate all students into a culture of academic integrity that they can then take on responsibility for stewarding.
Learn more about designing for academic integrity by exploring the following areas: