For more information about university policy on class recordings, see the Classroom Recording Guidance in the Faculty Handbook.
Sample #1
Boston College seeks to protect the integrity of what transpires in the classroom among students and professor, any course materials prepared by the professor, and the privacy of students and faculty. With this in mind, you are prohibited from recording (audio or video) any lectures, seminars, or other classroom activities without the express permission of the instructor and peers, including transcriptions created with the help of Gen AI tools. Authorized recordings (including any made in order to accommodate ADA considerations) and all other course materials (including any materials posted on Canvas) may only be used for the purposes of an individual’s (or group’s) study in the course, and may not be shared with any wider audience on or off campus unless the instructor has explicitly given such permission. (adapted from Williams College)
Sample #2
Boston College students should exemplify honesty, be trustworthy, fair, and ethical, and respect the truth in all of their dealings. Recording video and audio, streaming video and audio, or taking photographs (camera and video phones included) of students, faculty or staff without their express consent violates this value.
In order for students to record/stream video or audio, take photos in class, or generate a transcript using Gen AI tools, they must have permission from the instructor and peers or a documented accommodation from the Disability Services Office or Connors Family Learning Center. If a student records, streams, or takes photographs in a class without the appropriate permission, it will be considered dishonest and will be referred to the University’s conduct system.
No matter what the course policy, recorded classes may not be used in any way that denigrates and/or decontextualizes the instructor or any student whose class remarks are recorded. Any information contained in the recorded class may not be posted, published or quoted without the express consent of the instructor or speaker, and if permission is granted, must be properly cited. All recordings of class lectures or discussions are to be erased at the end of the semester. (adapted from Elon University)
Sample #3: Multi-section Courses
Meetings of this course are recorded. Any recordings will be available to students registered for this course and may be shared across the sections I teach. Recordings are intended to supplement the classroom experience. Recordings may not be reproduced, shared with students who are not enrolled in the course, or uploaded to other online environments. If I plan to share the recording elsewhere, I will notify any students who are identifiable in the recording and request your consent prior to such use. In keeping with state recording law, students cannot create video or audio recordings of the course — including Gen AI created transcripts — without permission from the instructor and other students or as a registered accommodations from the Disability Services Office or the Connors Family Learning Center. (adapted from UVA)