Fall 2024 & Spring 2025 Updates
In Fall, 2024 Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor will not work on iPads, even if the iPad setting is selected by the instructor. Please direct students to use laptops or Chromebooks instead. The problem will be resolved for Spring 2025 courses so iPad use can resume then.
If you copy a course using Respondus from a previous semester for this Spring, the left navigation menu will include a duplicate Lockdown Browser link, which Canvas administrators can remove. Please email canvas@bc.edu for assistance in removing the link.
Introduction to Respondus Technology
Respondus designs technology that is intended to minimize the opportunity for academic dishonesty on exams administered through Canvas. You can access two different tools through Respondus:
- LockDown Browser, a custom browser that locks down the testing environment within Canvas and prevents students from accessing other information and applications on their computer. When an exam is configured with LockDown Browser, it cannot be taken in another browser.
- Monitor is a program that builds on LockDown Browser, records students as they are taking the exam, and flags behavior for further review by the instructor. Monitor is typically used for take-home exams that need to replicate the setting of an in-person proctored exam, or in fully-online courses.
LockDown Browser and Monitor both aim to limit the opportunity for academic dishonesty during significant assessments. There are also other ways to cultivate academic integrity throughout a course that can be used in addition to or as an alternative to LockDown Browser and Monitor.
Migrating from Proctorio to Respondus
If you’ve been using Proctorio and need to switch solutions, follow these Instructions for Migrating to Respondus. If you are reusing any quizzes that formerly required Proctorio, please submit this form. Canvas Administrators will remove any leftover code from Proctorio that can cause problems when administering the quiz.
Before Using LockDown Browser or Monitor
Before using LockDown Browser or Monitor for the first time, there are a few things to keep in mind:
- LockDown Browser prevents students from completing file upload questions because they will not be able to access or select from their files. As an alternative, some instructors have included an assignment or a second quiz that does not use LockDown Browser for students to complete file upload questions.
- Run a practice quiz with your students before they complete any for-credit assignments using LockDown Browser or Respondus Monitor. This allows students to make sure they know how the program works, that their devices meet the system requirements, and that they don’t run into any other barriers when using the tool.
To be prepared in the unlikely event students encounter problems with Respondus, and to minimize the possibility of disruptions during exams, it can be useful to consider the following options in advance:
If a student has encountered difficulties installing Respondus:
- Please refer them to the Help Desk.
- If they are unable to resolve the issue, CTE staff can consult with instructors on alternative solutions.
If students encounter connectivity issues when starting a Quiz:
- Have half the class enter the Quiz one minute before the other half, as this will divide the load on the network.
- Have paper copies of the Quiz available to administer as an alternative
- Refer issues to the Help Desk for follow-up
Find Support for Using LockDown Browser and Monitor
The following guides can help you get started with LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor. If you need additional assistance, email centerforteaching@bc.edu.
- Enabling LockDown Browser (for instructors)
- Enabling Respondus Monitor (for instructors)
- Student Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor Guide
Additional Resources
See the LockDown Browser resource page and the Respondus Monitor resource page for more information and guides, including video overviews. For another perspective, see the Center for Digital Innovation in Learning’s resource, which includes instructions for requiring Respondus for individual Students. You can also find support resources through the Respondus tool in Canvas.