The following instructions will assist you in moving content from a previous Canvas course to the Canvas course in which you will be teaching.
From the home page of your new course, select “Import Existing Content” from the menu on the right.
Pull down the “Content Type” menu and select “Copy a Canvas Course.”
Select the course you want to import from in the drop-down menu. You can also search for the course name using the “Search for a course” feature.
Next, you can choose whether to import an entire Canvas course, or “Select specific content” [1]. Click the “Import” [2] button.
Under “Current Jobs,” you will now be able to click on the “Select Content” button and choose which files you want to import.
A list of all the content inside the course will be displayed. Select the specific content you wish to bring into your new course by selecting the box next to the content. Bringing over only the materials you will use in your current course will allow your Canvas site to remain uncluttered. To select the specific content, you must click the box next to the item you wish to bring over. After selecting the items you would like to bring over, click “Select content” in the bottom right.
A screen will display showing that your request is running.
When the process is complete you will see a green “Completed” icon.