A Panopto recording can be shared with students in multiple ways:
- Direct students to the recording on the “Panopto Recordings” page of your Canvas course
- Embed the video into a Canvas Page, Assignment, or Announcement, allowing you to immediately contextualize the recording with other course material. Embedding a video gives students access to that content, even if the video is hosted in a different Canvas site.
- Add a Panopto recording into a module
- Copy or move the recording to the Canvas site for the new course so that the video appears on the “Panopto Recordings” page for that new course.
- Share Panopto videos with those outside of Canvas by sharing a link to the video with them and changing the permissions so that those with the link can view it. If you are publicly sharing a video that includes students, consult the Classroom Recording Guidance in the Faculty Handbook to acquaint yourself with relevant policies.
- Copy a recording from a personal folder to a course folder, if you want to share a recording stored in your personal folder with new students.